Nibbling while watching TV is history
Metabolism continues to work while you sleep
Sleep like a baby
Awaken refreshed and alert
Night Craves is the only product known internationally to assist in keeping the dreaded snacking at bay whilst watching tv in the evening and most importantly still increasing your metabolism whilst you sleep.
Ingredients :
Citrus Maxima, Mentha Piperita, Matricaria Chamomilla
Would I need to increase my capsules if I am still hungry?
Yes, always increase and decrease your capsules to your body's specifics.
Will it help with my sugar binges at night as I am diabetic ?
We have formulated with great concentrations of chamomile, lemon and cider which has major
benefits for people with diabetes and helps lower your Glycemic Index resulting in destroying
your sugar binges.
How would I know if my metabolism needs boosting?
If you doing everything correctly i.e. by eating healthily and smaller quantities, and still
gaining weight, then your metabolism is one of
the major offenders.
Would I need to take this if I don’t feel hungry ?
Yes, most often your metabolism needs major boosting for a long while to awaken and regain traction.. Night Craves works in conjunction with Super Supress.
Won't the Super Suppress
be enough to suppress
my appetite & boost
my metabolism?
No, your metabolic battery needs to be jolted and charged constantly if it is
the lazy culprit.
Will the Night Craves keep me awake?
No, it's formulated to boost your metabolism whilst you sleep and get a good night's rest
Eat three times daily
Ensure that your dinner is not later than 6pm
Dinner must be only a light meal
Remember that breakfast and lunch are your larger meals
Kogita Secret Weight Loss Regime is not a diet but a new LifeStyle
CITRUS LIMONUMCitrus Limonum in regular highly concentrated consumption helps promote natural fat burning diuretic properties, which also helps in detoxifying the body’s oral health, prevent anemia and kidney stones due to its citrate content. Contains various antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that boost brain and heart health. Known to stimulate the liver to flush out all it’s toxins, reviving it like never before. BURNS BODY FAT NATURALLY & SUPPRESSES YOUR APPETITE
MENTHA PIPERITAMentha Piperita suppresses your appetite and increases your thirst which helps flush out your system. Boosts your energy and relieves your fatigue. Helps relieve menstrual cramps, eases digestion, fights bacterial infection in the gut and freshens breath
ZINGIBER OFFICINALEZingiber Officinale enhances your energy and improves your circulation. Helps immensely with weight loss and escalates your metabolism. Great for treating mild chronic indigestion and brilliant for reversing osteoarthritis. In combination with honey, well renowned for easing coughs
You feel the
difference within
a few days
Was great in assisting with my sugar binges.
I haven’t given up dessert but curbed it a lot.
I eat more healthily now and in moderation. Amazing if you don’t have discipline and willpower
I struggled with binge eating
in the evening and am
so happy those
days are no more
I was cynical initially but have been
converted to the Kogita Way with NO EXERCISE and lost my huge stomach and big thighs
(no more chafing)
Totally controlled my appetite
and my weight just fell away.
Thank you Kogita Secret,
you girls have helped
me so much